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02 Desember 2010

Block Material In Sales Order (SAP)

If you want a material to be blocked, go to the Basic data 1 view of the material,there in the genral data you have ” Y-plant material status “. Also in Cost estimate 1 view of the material you have Plant Specific Material status. Use the options available to block the material in these two views.

You cannot use the material in sales order

Use the material exclusion function:

SD> Master data > Products > Listing/Exclusion> Create
( Transaction codes VBO1, VB02, VB03)

Enter the list-exclusion type B001: For the required

Enter Maintain materials > Save > Exit

Create the order and enter material excluded to test exclusion.

For IMG settings; Go to IMG > SD > Basic Functions>Listing/Exclusion

Ensure that the listing/exclusion procedure is activated for your order type. You can also create your own condition types access sequences and procedures or use the SAP provided ones.

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