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27 November 2010

Increase The Bandwidth Speed

Browsing the Internet with a high speed must be very pleasant, in many ways done to speed up internet connection either using software for Internet connections become faster and use a specific setting that is claimed to speed up Internet connection.
Here are some tips that can be used to speed up Internet connection:
Composing bandwidth settings on windows (we tested only on Windows XP)
Basically the windows OS has limited bandwidth for Internet connection as much as 20% of the total bandwidth should be maximum, if the netters want to increase Internet bandwidth connections so that faster and faster can be a way to reduce or clear the bandwidth limitations in Windows so that we can be a maximum in using existing bandwidth.
Follow the instructions as below:
  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type gpedit.msc
  4. Then click Ok
  5. Once entered click (open) Administrative Templates
  6. Then click (open) Network
  7. Once open click QoS Packet scheduler
  8. Then click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth
  9. And after the open change the setting to Enable
  10. Then change bandwidth limit to 0
  11. Click Apply, and continue Ok
  12. Then exit and restart the computer
I hope my tips can help you with problems regarding bandwidth limitations.

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