What :
- Unsubscribe from legitimate mailing lists if you do not want to receive messages again from the mailing list. When signing up to receive email, check out additional items whatever you want at the same time. Do not select the items you do not want.
- Be selective in terms of sites where you register your email address.
- Avoid displaying your emai address on the Internet. Consider alternative options-for example, use a separate address when registering at a particular mailing list, have multiple email addresses for different purposes, or look for a disposable email service.
- By using the instructions provided by the administrator, report spam if you have the option to do so.
- Delete all spam
- Avoid clicking on suspicious links in emails or IM messages, because it could be connected to a fake site. We suggest typing a website address directly in the browser rather than believe in a link in the message.
- Ensure that the operating system is always updated with the latest updates, and use a comprehensive package of security software. To obtain complete information about Symantec's protection offerings please visit http://www.symantec.com
- Consider anti-spam solution that has a good reputation for handling screening throughout your organization, such as Symantec Brightmail messaging security solutions family.
- To stay updated about new spam trends by visiting the site information from Symantec's spam situation.
- Opening an email attachment from an unknown. This attachment can infect your computer.
- Reply to spam. Usually forged email address, and reply to email spam spam spam will result in another.
- Fill out the form in a message requesting personal or financial information or passwords (password.). The leading company is unlikely to ask for your personal information via email. If not hesitate to contact the company concerned through a trusted independent mechanism, such as by verifying the phone number or internet address is known that you type into a new browser window (do not click on or cut and paste the link in the message).
- Buying products or services from spam messages.
- Open the message spam.
- Forward any virus warnings you receive via email. It may be that this is a hoax.
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