A hardware device that allows computers on a network connected to each other is called the network switch. Usually we will be given several options as we will buy it, there will be a type of managed, unmanaged and smart managed. In addition there are also several switches that have certain features.
Switch function is actually equal to the Hub, because we still can make the Network Computer, but the use of switches will be faster than we are using the Hub.
Hubs are very often used in the past, including the place I work now and this is because the price is much cheaper.
But for now declining in popularity as the price of switches has dropped dramatically, and the facts on the ground that the switch does offer better performance than the Hub.
When data is entered or came to the Hub, Hub will take this data and will be transmitting to every computer connected to the network.
But it is different with the switch, he will receive the data and will only send it to a computer that is interested to receive the data.
So the use of Switch will cut your network bandwidth usage significantly, especially when we have a network with many computers are connected and are all trying to send and receive the same data. In addition, networks connected to the switch will be more secure than sniffer activity (data theft).
If we have a computer network with relatively little as a home or small office, we can use Unmanaged Switch with features. This type is quite practical because we do not need to configure to use and cheaper. Simply plug it, immediately we can use.
Another case when we have a fairly large network, we can use the features of managed switches. Managed switches have the option of setting Admin where we can make Virtual Lan (VLAN), port speed setting, the host and other options.
Usually the user will need a Web browser or command line interface such as telnet or shell access to the Switch settings.
As for the switch with smart features managed, is mixing between the managed and unmanaged features. Its function is almost the same as managed but offers the use of an easier, although this feature does not have as many features of managed switches.
For my own office because it is a legacy and advance its appliances are cheaper to buy Hub, the majority still use the Hub as a liaison to the network computer (when peak hour will be felt later than usual), while the use of an unmanaged switch is used only for Client Computing only.
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