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31 Desember 2010

System Application Product

System, Anwendungen, Produkte (SAP), derived from the German language in English is the System, Application, Product. While the project is the work / tasks with certain characteristics. Attribute-attribute of a project are as follows:
  • Complexity, non-repetition, high risk
  • Detailed objectives to be achieved
  • Time limits
  • Consumption and high capital costs
  • Requirements of output quality
Work breakdown structure (WBS) elements are the elements that form a hierarchy of project consisting of project tasks, sub tasks, and work-package.

Work package is a collection of activities that can be assigned to a unit of a particular group. WBS elements are: tasks, sub tasks, and work package.

WBS structured in accordance with: Object, function, phase. The pattern structure which will be used depending on the focus of these projects.

Object orientation is often used if the main project is a physical object such as a power plant project, while the functional approach is more widely used if the organizations involved in these projects is quite a lot.

Project management can be defined as planning, directing, and controlling resources / resources (human, material, equipment) to meet the technical restrictions, the time and cost of a project.

The main reasons why a project failed, usually located on the lack of project planning. This is what makes project management is very important in the success of a project.

Project management can be divided into two major parts, namely:
  • Project Planning
  • Project Controlling
SAP Project System to monitor a project in a constant and detailed from various aspects.

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