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16 November 2010

It feels free to have a GA PIN

Google Adsense Pin has sticking in mind for several weeks. I have waited for this and very worried. I have read a lot of experience about sending of Google Pin that not arrived in their house. Do you have Google adsense account and have received your Google pin? If you don’t have Google adsense account, you can send your application, don’t forget to read tips before applying Google adsense program.

Google Pin is the number that is sent by Google to Google adsense publisher when they have reached the value specified by Google, it is about $10, When I reached this value I thought that my Google Pin would be sent to my email, but in fact, Google Pin is sent to my house. Do you know why Google Pin is sent to publisher’s house? Google Pin is sent to their house to ensure that the address entered in their account is real, not fake, so you can receive your payment. After you receive this Pin you must enter to your account, Google will check the pin you entered, if pin you entered is match with pin that has been sent, Google conclude your house address is real.
Google Pin usually arrive after 2-4 weeks, depending on your location, I received Google Pin after 19 days. If you don’t receive your Google pin over 3 weeks you can send request for new sending pin. If you still not receive your pin after request 3 times you can send email to Google adsense support, adsense-support@google.com, it is very important because Google will replace paid advertisements on your blog with public service ads if you have not entered within 4 months, then Google will disabled your account if you don’t enter your pin within 180 days or 6 months.

By sending Google team email and you tell them the reason why you still have not entered your pin to your account, it will possible to Google team to disable entering pin to your account, Google may ask you to send them your valid identity such as Passport or Nation Identity Card. Before you send your email to Google team, Please check in post office in your city as your action wise.

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