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21 Juli 2009

Blog Hosting Gratis

Ada 40 daftar penyedia blog hosting gratis di internet, yang cocok banget buat mereka yang pengen bikin blog gratisan. Beberapa menyediakan blog gratis dengan enginenya sendiri seperti yahoo!360, vox dan blogspot, dan sebagian lagi memberikan fasilitas blog gratis yang berbasis blog engine yang umum dipakai seperti WordPress µ, TypePad, dll.

5 blog hosting gratis asli Indonesia yang rata-rata berbahasis WordPress µ. Sangat disarankan buat para blogger pemula yang pengen punya blog sendiri yang gratis, cepat diakses di dalam negeri, dan sekaligus tempat ikutan jejaring sosial Indonesia diantaranya sbb ;
  1. DagDigDug.com, satu blog hosting gratis yang dipersembahkan oleh para tetua blogger Indonesia seperti Enda Nasution, Paman Tyo dkk. Banyak dihuni oleh para seleb blog yang rame-rame bikin blog selingkuhan disini.
  2. BlogDetik.com, blog gratis yang satu ini dari tampilannya yang detik.com banget jelas berada dibawah naungan mereka.
  3. AyoNgeblog, kalo yang ini datang dari dua generasi, beberapa anak muda seperti Ilman Akbar dan tetua blogger kayak om Rane a.k.a JaF.
  4. Weblogs.web.id
  5. PlinPlan.net
  6. id.blog.com

Dan ini daftar asli dari thetimes.co.za plus 4 alternatif blog berbasis WordPress µ yang bisa dijadikan pilihan alternatif :

  • Zoomspace.com is a free service which allows blog space and 100MB of free disk space

  • Yahoo provides free blogs with your email account under their Yahoo 360 products
  • Vox was named PC Magazine Editors choice for blogging software. They are free.
  • Microsoft Live Spaces provide free blogs with your email account.
  • Weebly was noted by the BBC Click television program to be a must have blog service
  • Tumblr has been around a while and they promise a 10 second signup for a free blog.
  • Tooum is unique in that it allows a free blog and a free forum.
  • Terapad provide a free blog with a built in store. The free service does have adverts though.
  • Squarespace got great reviews by the WallStreet Journal. Loads of free themes available.
  • Soulcast provides free blogs but also revenue sharing. You blog they advertise, share in the revenue.
  • Shoutpost reminds me somewhat of the old Geocities in their format.
  • Open Diary has a dairy format to blogging.
  • Netcipia is not only a free blog host but also provides a free wiki to use.
  • Multiply is a blog provider but more as a social networking community.
  • eTribes is free with built in gallery software. The better version however is not free.
  • Clearblogs is free with a huge online community and free blog templates.
  • Bravenet is well known as has been around longer than anyone else.
  • Blogyx is a smaller blog hosting service.
  • Blogster is not well known as much smaller than the others.
  • Blogr allows free blogs, podcasts and video and photo hosting.
  • Blogger the Google free blogging service. They are known to delete controversial blogs.
  • Blog is a free blog host.
  • Wordpress is no doubt the better blog host with a huge template selection.
  • Edublogs is the Wordpress platform for educational blogs.
  • Blogsome is the Irish blog host. They permit blog hosting in many languages
  • Blogetery is a free blog host which also does revenue share. You blog they host. share the revenue.
  • Word Count is the strangest blog host. Write one word on the first day, two words on the second day and so on.
  • Trippert is a travel blog host. The themes are based around travel.
  • FreeVlog is a free Video Blog host. It is unique in nature.
  • Busythumbs is a blog host that allows you to record video from your cam to your blog.
  • BlogCheese is another free video blog host. The video feed quality is very good!
  • Blogabond is a great blog host that only does travel blogs. They have intergrated what looks like Google maps into it.
  • Live Journal is one of the better blog hosts and in the same class as Wordpress.
  • Great Journal has more than 1 million members and allows voice posting.
  • Akopo caters for Africans and is in French.
  • Zorpia offers blogging and photo hosting.
  • Mytypes is another free blog host. Small but the interface is somewhat ugly!
  • Opera Blogs is a service offered by the makers of the Opera browser
  • Blogates also offers free blogging hosting.
Beberapa penyedia blog menyediakan iklan, ada juga yang tidak. Setiap host blog memiliki aturan sehingga periksa dulu sebelum mendaftar. Seperti disebutkan ada yang menempatkan iklan di blog Anda dan berbagi pendapatan dengan iklan Anda. Ini telah menjadi sangat populer tetapi tidak terjadi di blog host. Host yang lebih besar memungkinkan anda untuk menempatkan iklan Anda sendiri.

Ketika membuat blog selalu ingat untuk menjaga tulisan salinan, jangan sampai mengulang tulisan yang sudah pernah anda posting kan.

Selamat berkreasi... :)

5 komentar:

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